My Evening Life as an Umpire Pt.2
Last week I was doing a 9 & 10 year old ball game with the Assistant Head Umpire. The home team was down 8 -1 with four minutes left to play in the game. The home team was pitching and needed to get one more out in order to bat. If the home team could score at least 2 runs at the next at bat and keep the visitors from scoring they would've had a chance to tie or win the ball game. The home team choses to switch pitchers with four minutes left instead with no runners on base. The coach from the home team also wants to warm the kid up. I go talk to the other umpire and while we're talking he tells me that he's wasting his time because he can catch up and he only needs one out. If the time runs out before they bat again the game is over. They get the third out but time ran out so the game is called. The coach from the home team walks over and gets in the face of the other umpire. He says, "If I want to waste time switching pitchers or warming a kid up I can do that." He is close enough that I can't stick my arm in between them. The other umpire says,"I was telling the umpire(Me) that time was running out and that....." The coach interupts him and says, "You going to listen to me. You're not talking, I'm talking and you're listening." The umpire throws the coach out and he'd have to sit out the next game. A umpire has control of the field untile he leaves it. Why is it that something so small causes so much conflict? Why do the umpires have to be looked at as cold and heartless? He mistook what was said and got mad at the umpire. Tis isn't Major League Baseball and that coach wasn't Bobby Cox(coach of the Atlanta Braves). He acted out of character in front of he kids and he was the one that looked bad and got upset over nothing.
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