
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Are They Really That Bad?

People just don't like gays and lesbians. People are afraid that they'll screw up their kids and mess up society. The main arguement against gays is that the Bible says that being gay is wrong. People feel that they have to protect their children from the gay man or woman next door. I have a neighbor who has a son that's been gay since I was little. His son had gay friends. I even bought a couple of comic books from the son. They didn't screw me up or turn me gay. I don't feel like all the angaist against gays are necesary. People don't want a gay or lesbian couple to get married. So what!!! That's between the couple, the ministor that married them, and God. If you live in America every man, woman, and child has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Same sex marriages are not going to hurt our children or our society.


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